Goal Theory and Coaching
“Hey you. Yeah, you over there. What are you doing?” “If I don’t see that ...
Eat Miso Soup First!?
“Why don’t they stay focused?” “Why do they stick to such an incidental point?” “Why do they quickly jump to action without careful consideration of associated matters?” These are typical frustrations that we may often sense coming from either Westerners or Japanese – or both. Through my experience in bilingual facilitation support for global corporations opening in Japan, I’ve come to believe that the cause for such frustration is not simply a matter of language, but rather a matter of differences in underlying beliefs and thought patterns that subliminally affect people’s behavior.
“Whack -a -Mole” Management
While watching one of my grandchildren play Whack - a - Mole at an amusement park I was struck with how much fun the child was having being busy. The smile on his face, the effort he expended in trying to smack the mole as soon as it popped up, and the excitement in his voice as he screamed with joy all told me that the ageless game has as much appeal today as it did many years ago when I played it as a child. Whack - a - Mole, the game, is fun and perhaps a good exercise to develop hand-eye coordination. Whack - a - Mole, the business practice, is a sure recipe for ineffectiveness and ultimate failure.
Choosing the Right Leader: A How-to Guide
How to Choose a Leader We often thirst for meaning and direction in our lives ...
Manchester United: Leadership, Teamwork, Success
CMOE discusses how leadership and teamwork have helped propel Manchester United to become one of the greatest sports teams in history. Embracing change, developing talent, and creating a team culture for success is a few of the ingredients that has made this team world renown.
Strategic Planning is For Small Businesses Too
Too many people falsely believe that strategic thinking, formulation and implementation is only for the ...
Hungry for Strategic Management?
Have you seen the recent Arby’s restaurant advertisements where people are distracted from their activities ...
Strategic Leadership [Videos]
A strategic leader is good at developing and executing strategy, while a truly great ...
Branding Isn’t Just For The Big Boys: Strategy Development
Some businesses have a brand worth billions of dollars, others are worth very little. What ...