CMOE’s portfolio of Leadership workshops and development solutions helps leaders at all levels of an organization be more successful in fulfilling their leadership responsibilities, building their capabilities to lead people and the business, and tackling tough challenges.

Organizations need multifaceted leaders who can act on a broad vision, introduce change, engage the workforce, and sustain competitive advantage through effective leadership practices. Leaders are continually challenged to achieve these high expectations and perform beyond their current capabilities. To maximize their effectiveness and contribution to the organization, leaders need to be equipped with the most relevant knowledge, skills, and tools available today. CMOE’s proven workshops and solutions help leaders master leadership competencies and reach their potential.

As you explore our professional leadership workshops and development topics, keep in mind that CMOE also provides customized leadership training workshops, curriculum development, & related services to create lasting change for your organization and address the unique needs of its leaders.

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Bottom Line Leadership Training

Bottom Line Leadership is a powerful process that creates an immediate and long-term quantitative difference in your organization's profitability and productivity by helping participants build the management and leadership skills needed to accelerate specific performance improvements throughout the organization. The Bottom Line Leadership training course bridges the gap between scorekeeping or metrics and the behaviors...

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Communication Training for Managers

Whether people recognize it or not, having strong communication skills is crucial to personal and professional success—and in this age of electronic communication, communicating and interacting with others effectively has never been more important. Through the exchange of information, people are able to build trust and respect, align their actions, execute plans and strategies, and ultimately drive bottom-line perfo...

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Conflict and Collaboration

Conflict arises in even the best-run companies and most employee-friendly environments. However, conflict needn't be an unpleasant and destructive influence; instead, it can be used as a force for innovation and positive change. If differences are managed properly, they can draw out diverse ideas, create synergy, and foster the development of better relationships. What every leader needs, therefore, is a set of skills for...

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Confronting Racism Workshop

Introduction It is critical that organizations confront racism at both a personal and systemic level. They must tackle the structural and social practices within the organization as well as how they impact the world at large. While many organizations have created diversity programs with the hope that these systemic issues would be improved, many of these programs have not been optimized and in some cases have even fail...

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Courageous Conversations Workshop

Learning how to manage difficult conversations in business settings constructively with open dialogue when emotions run high can be challenging and uncomfortable for many people; as a result, these important conversations are often mishandled or avoided altogether, which benefits no one. The Courageous Conversations™ workshop focuses on building the skills necessary for engaging in difficult conversations with other...

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Customized Leadership Development Programs

What kind of leadership-development program or curriculum is right for your organization? The answer, of course, is a learning event or series that is as unique as your organization, one that reflects your organization’s leadership competency development goals and builds lasting leadership talent at all levels. CMOE’s extensive track record—and our proven approach to designing Leadership-Development Programs for ...

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Several diverse faces

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workshop

Organizations that thrive in today’s global environment engage in diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. They embrace the unique needs, perspectives, and potential of all their team members, their customers, and other stakeholders. Diverse and inclusive organizations earn greater trust and more commitment from their employees, customers, and partners. CMOE’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Essentials co...

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Effective Delegation & Accountability

Being able to confidently and effectively delegate is a powerful leadership skill and a catalyst for ensuring that managers spend maximum time and energy leading people and pursuing next level results.  However, delegating responsibility and assignments to others can be challenging even for the very best managers. CMOE’s Delegation & Accountability workshop provides leaders with a set of core delegation skills th...

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Flexible Leadership

Leaders are faced with a vast array of situations, tasks, and dilemmas on a daily basis. They often grapple with whether they should be more direct, controlling and in charge or whether they should use a more collaborative and participative approach when working with others. There are no obvious and simple, right or wrong solutions because the leadership style and approach should depend on the situation and on the need...

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Leadership Development Program Design

Leadership-development programs, curriculums and initiatives should be as unique as the organization is—it should reflect the organization’s leadership competencies, build leadership talent at all levels and drive bottom-line results. CMOE has extensive experience working as a partner with organizations of all types and sizes in designing meaningful leadership development programs that build the confidence of leaders ...

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Leading Change

Leading others through change is a key leadership competency and has become an even more crucial skillset as the rate of change continues to accelerate in today’s business landscape. When leaders have this important capability, organizations and teams are able to accelerate change initiatives and involve the entire organization in driving and sustaining important transformations that will ensure the organization’s lon...

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Leading Groups to Solutions: Facilitation Skills for Team Leaders

Leaders and team members are regularly called on to lead groups to solutions, direct the efforts of others, or harness the collective energy of the teams they lead. Facilitating groups effectively requires insight and the development of a unique set of skills—but despite the importance of these abilities, many managers and team leaders may not have had the opportunity to develop them in a formalized way. CMOE’s...

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Leading Innovation

About Leading Innovation In today’s hypercompetitive marketplace, organizations have no choice but to innovate—and that requires leaders at every level who can create a culture of inspired innovation and guide people through the implementation of innovative ideas and solutions. The fact is, everyone can enhance their ability to generate value-added solutions and be more innovative. CMOE’s Leading Innovation wo...

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Mid-Level Management Training: Developing The Skills to Drive Success

What is Mid-Level Management? Mid-level management is the intermediate management level accountable to top management and responsible for leading lower-level managers. Since mid-level managers work with both senior leaders and entry-level managers, being able to communicate clearly and develop strong professional relationships with people at all levels of the organization are extremely important middle-level management...

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Mini-MBA Program: Improve Your Business Acumen

Developed at Columbia University, the Bottom Line Mini-MBA is a management and executive development program that aligns your people around the common language and analytical tools of business. This comprehensive program gives participants the business insight and understanding they need to "think in real time" in today's fast-moving corporate environment. The course provides participants with a clearer vision of financia...

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Problem Solving and Decision Making in the Workplace

Why is problem solving and decision making important in the workplace? Problems come in all sizes—from major problems to daily nuisances—and the ability to resolve them is the heart and soul of every job at every level of an organization. If problems can be solved with greater accuracy, creativity, and confidence, factors that might negatively impact the organization otherwise will be minimized—or even averted en...

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Qualities of Leadership

Having strong leaders at every level of the business has never been as important as it is today. Leaders need to excel in leading others, implementing ideas, introducing change and driving long term initiatives in order to meet the challenges of the competitive marketplace and for organizations to achieve long-term success. The Qualities of Leadership workshop focuses on these important organizational needs by introduc...

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Transition to Leadership

Ensuring that an individual contributor successfully transitions into a leadership role is critical to the success of the new leader, the people they lead, and the business. Typically, effective team members are often promoted to leadership roles based on their performance and it is assumed that the success they achieved as individual contributors will ensure their success as a leader. However, the skills, insights, and v...

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Virtual Leadership and Managing a Dispersed Team

As organizations face increasingly unique demands, organizations are trending towards physically dispersed and diverse teams. Virtual teams offer organizations a number of benefits, but they also create some challenges for leaders. The approach to leading virtual teams is different from that of leading a traditional, on-site team. As such, the roles and behaviors of leaders must be adjusted to better meet the unique...

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