About Team-Building Seminars and Workshops

Since the ability to function effectively and maximize performance is crucial for any winning team, it is important for teams to align themselves, focus on how to truly develop as a team, and be positioned for long-term success.

CMOE’s Team-Building Seminar creates a positive and memorable learning experience for intact teams, team leaders, or individual contributors that will stimulate the desire for change and the ongoing application of teamwork skills. We accomplish this by using our experiential learning process that simulates classic problem-solving business cases in non-traditional exercises, team building activities, and learning experiences. These seminars utilize our research-based Diamond Model of Teamwork to guide teams in identifying team strengths and development opportunities and can be tailored or customized to address the unique needs of the audience.

The Benefits of Team Building Seminars

Teamwork seminars are beneficial as they improve communication and trust among team members. These seminars teach effective communication techniques, reducing misunderstandings and enhancing efficiency. They also build trust through collaborative activities to help build a stronger, more cohesive team. This leads to a positive work environment, increased productivity, and better team dynamics.

teamwork skills

Objectives & Outcomes for Team Building Seminars

CMOE’s Team-Building seminar is designed and can be customized to help team members improve in the following areas:

  • Team communication and information flow
  • Team member relationships
  • Cohesiveness and unity
  • Trust and respect among team members
  • Cross-functional alignment
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Goal and direction clarity
  • Processes and systems
  • Coordination of tasks and responsibilities
  • Team culture and community
  • Accountability and measurement
  • Problem-solving and decision-making
  • Efficiency and focus

Using Validated Data to Strengthen Teams

For a team to be able to maximize its potential, team leaders and team members need clear cut data about the strengths, vulnerabilities, and roadblocks standing in the way of improved performance. The High-Performance Teamwork Survey is a practical and easy-to-use tool that evaluates a team on seven dimensions of team effectiveness and uncovers:

  • Strengths that can be built upon and leveraged
  • Critical vulnerabilities and underlying issues that are holding the team back from achieving maximum performance
  • Other areas to monitor that are not necessarily strengths or challenges

This information is provided in a comprehensive report that will help teams focus their attention on the steps they can take to close the gap on opportunities, address specific and priority issues, sustain strengths, and achieve desired results. The High-Performance Teamwork Survey has been validated by over 40 years of global research. Teams of any type and size can be assured the tool will provide a clear path forward and pave the way to more a productive and satisfied team.

Customized Team Building Framework

Our accomplished facilitators and consultants help participants see that team issues are normal and natural, can crop up at any time, and cannot be completely eradicated. We provide participants with the skills and confidence to channel issues in a positive direction so the issues don’t become a distraction or keep the team from growing and flourishing. We find that the more personal discovery that occurs, the greater the commitment is to team goals, agreements, and action plans. We encourage personal discovery and reflection, so team members focus on teamwork from not only the group perspective but also from an individual team member perspective.

At the end of each team-building seminar, we help participants establish both individual and team action plans based on what they have learned and experienced. We incorporate a framework for holding team members accountable for the implementation of specific plans and goals that are linked to bottom-line performance. If appropriate, CMOE can provide reinforcement opportunities to sustain the team building that has taken place and evaluate the changes that are occurring.

Delivery Formats

CMOE’s Team Building Seminar is modular in design and can be offered in half-day, one-day, or multiple day formats. Sessions can be delivered at the onsite or a convenient off-site retreat setting. Check out our Outdoor Team Building for more adventurous retreats.

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Whenever an individual accomplishes something spectacular, it is rarely ever done without the support, effort, and commitment of other people.