When functioning well, teams can make a significant difference in an organization’s ability to execute its strategy and achieve long-term success. Strong, flexible, and productive teams provide the competitive edge needed to lower cost, improve quality, produce results, and achieve other critical business objectives. Unfortunately, many teams and organizations do not perform at optimal levels. Too often there is untapped potential that can be realized once organizations have a window into the inner workings and overall health of their teams.

Learning how to assess team effectiveness from CMOE provides a comprehensive picture and in-depth understanding of what is going on inside a team.  CMOE offers a full range of Team Assessment Services to help teams achieve peak performance, including:

  • A stand-alone assessment and feedback report.
  • A detailed assessment with diagnosis, observation, interpretation, and intervention.

teamwork training

4 Steps to Assess Team Effectiveness

Step 1: Preparation for the Assessment

Working with team leaders, CMOE can help to select or design an optimal team assessment and approach. We don’t believe in a “one size fits all” approach. Assessments can be used for an intact team or for multiple teams across an organization.

Step 2: Data Collection for Leaders and Members

Team assessments are distributed to organization members and leaders to obtain feedback and insight about teams and how they operate on a day-to-day basis. Collection of data can be done by staying aware of team interactions, holding one-on-one meetings, and promoting surveys.

Step 3: Use Data Analysis to Pinpoint Strengths and Weaknesses

CMOE prepares a data analysis of team effectiveness in a report that displays behaviors, trends, and performance gaps.  The analysis will help the team pinpoint:

  • Existing strengths and leverage points to recognize and celebrate.
  • Areas of vulnerability and weakness that are impacting the team’s ability to be effective, efficient, and inclusive.

Our highly skilled staff helps teams review and interpret the data and determine what changes are needed to become a high-performance team.

Step 4: Action Planning

Team assessments should always drive change and action.  Our assessments provide teams with the opportunity to build on existing strengths as well as discover areas for improvement. The goal is to help teams identify and solve problems rather than simply treat symptoms. CMOE can also provide recommendations or facilitation and consulting services to support the action planning process.

Step 5: Follow Up

After initiating an action plan, it’s important to get consistent status updates from team members. This could include bi-weekly meetings or quick syncs. It’s important to ensure individual members feel aligned with their roles and overall progress. CMOE provides follow-up assessments after changes have been introduced to measure progress and results, if appropriate. Our staff of Ph.D.s, Organization Psychologists, HR Professionals, and Instructional Designers ensure that each team receives relevant, reliable, and valid data. CMOE’s team assessments, training, and consulting services have been used in leading organizations around the world.

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“Companies should decide what processes and competencies they must excel at and specify measures for each.”

~ The Team Approach: With Teamwork Anything is Possible

“A group becomes a team when all members are sure enough of themselves and their contribution to praise the skill of others.”

~ Anonymous

“Leaders know that their own success, as well as that of the group, depends on the support and dedication of the people they surround themselves with.”

~ Steven J. Stowell, Ph.D.