Why is Strategic Planning Important to a Business?

Leaders who truly understand fundamental, strategic, business planning principles are able to create compelling priorities and plans that their teams can support. Team members can then use these strategic business plans or processes to align their efforts as they face new competitive challenges. Organizations need leaders at all levels who are capable of thinking and acting strategically and contributing to the business’ overarching strategy. CMOE has provided performance development solutions for over 35 years and has designed Strategic Planning workshops and learning experiences for:

  • Senior Leaders
  • Mid-Level Managers (Managers of Managers)
  • First Line Leaders

What Will I Learn from a Strategic Planning Workshop?

Our Strategic Planning Workshops are designed to help leaders learn how to:

  1. More effectively deliver business results and meet today’s expectations in a way that supports the organization’s mission, vision, and strategy.
  2. Formulate strategic business plans and templates for their “business-within-the-business” and identify opportunities that will affect tomorrow’s results.
  3. Use strategic insight to create compelling strategic business plans and priorities for their area of responsibility.
  4. Formulate and execute innovative strategic plans and activities.
  5. Identify the tactics and objectives that will contribute to a successful strategy.
  6. Involve their team members in executing the strategic plan.

How Do You Structure a Planning Workshop?


CMOE customizes our Strategic Planning workshops to the client organization’s business setting and strategic challenges. CMOE’s course is highly interactive and participants begin formulating strategic business plan templates on real opportunities during the intensive program. The program is built around core adult learning principles and includes

  • Case studies
  • Strategic planning examples
  • Assessments
  • Discussion groups
  • Skill-building lecturettes
  • Practical tools

We can also provide ongoing sustainability services to support participants with application and implementation, while continuing to build their strategic business planning skills.

Why CMOE is the Choice for Strategic Planning Workshops

Our talented facilitators have experience in a wide-range of fields and offer a unique perspective to the program.  Participants receive individualized attention and feedback on their strategic business planning skills and capabilities and walk away from the experience with an integrated and aligned set of skills and tools.

The Strategic Planning workshop can be delivered in a one-, one-and-a-half, or two-day format. It can also be incorporated into a leadership retreat or leadership development curriculum.  For clients who prefer to utilize their in-house trainers, we offer train-the-trainer services for the Strategic Planning workshop and our other learning initiatives. CMOE is also a provider of training on Applied Strategic Thinking for individual contributors and leaders, in addition to a variety of leadership development courses.

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“In life, as in football, you won’t go far unless you know where the goalposts are.”

~ Arnold H. Glascow

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading to new paths.”

~ Walt Disney

“Being strategic on the operational side means you are always looking for new and/or better processes and innovations that will help your function become more effective.”

~ Strategy Is Everyone’s Job: A Guide to Strategic Leadership