Results Driven Leadership is a proven process designed to create an immediate and long-term quantitative difference in the productivity and profitability of your organization. Results Driven Leadership targets front-line managers, mid-level leaders, and senior executives and helps them to build the skills they need to accelerate improvements in performance across the organization. This process is designed for leaders who believe in these principles:

  • People development should have a direct link to the key result areas of your business.
  • The ownership and execution of organizational goals such as top-line growth, cost management, profitability, or other key performance measurements is your responsibility.
  • Synchronized leadership and your team’s ability to communicate with, motivate, and coach others is the best way to maximize the performance of your number-one asset: people.
  • Ownership of responsibilities and individual accountability in all areas of the business will add up to organizational success.

Leadership Methods that Help Drive Results

There are several approaches that leaders can use in their organization to help drive better results, for example:

  • Set a vision and goals for the team: Setting goals provides a structured and measurable roadmap that ensures focused and achievable progress. It also ensures all efforts are aligned and the team is working towards a common goal.
  • Transparent communication and feedback: Clear and consistent communication allows for adjustments and improvements, so that all team members understand the vision and goals.
  • Lead by example: When a leader embodies vision and commitment to the goals, it builds trust and respect.
  • Adapt to change: By leaders staying flexible and encouraging adaptability, it enables their team to respond quickly to changing circumstances and seize new opportunities.
  • Provide support and resources: Through guidance, training, and access to tools, leaders create an environment where team members are empowered to achieve their goals and deliver a stellar performance.


About Results Drive Leadership Workshop: What You’ll Learn

The Results Driven Leadership process is based on an understanding that authentic, sustainable change and the development of new skills doesn’t happen overnight. Rather than using a single event, Results Driven Leadership uses an interactive, structured process that will initiate changes in behavior to ensure improvements in key areas of your business. This work impacts the bottom line next month, next year and beyond.

Results Driven Leadership uses a variety of creative learning techniques to make the process personally meaningful to leaders involved in the learning, helping them to deliver the right results for the organization and affect real change. We help to:

  • Create an experience that assures genuine behavior change and awakens the discretionary performance and motivation of your employees/team members.
  • Partner with you to clearly define specific expectations for individual and team performance; the performance that will drive measurable, key performance targets within your organization.
  • Improve the quality and quantity of coaching, performance feedback, and goal setting to build employee ownership and commitment to their responsibilities.
  • Create sustained accountability and a sense of purpose.

Results-driven leaders can be found in all organizations. Sometimes leaders just need the right tools and skills. Are the people you depend on every day for results focused on the right things for the right reasons? Reach out to CMOE to learn more.

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“Better bend than break.”

~ Scottish Proverb

“When a clear expectation is established, a belief is born, a belief that team members will deliver great things.”

~ Strategy is Everyone’s Job: A Guide to Strategic Leadership

“You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself.”

~ Galileo