Why is problem solving and decision making important in the workplace?

Problems come in all sizes—from major problems to daily nuisances—and the ability to resolve them is the heart and soul of every job at every level of an organization. If problems can be solved with greater accuracy, creativity, and confidence, factors that might negatively impact the organization otherwise will be minimized—or even averted entirely. Problem solving and decision making in the workplace often go hand-in-hand, with decision-making being especially important for management and leadership. In fact, for many organizations, success depends on the ability of people in positions of leadership to effectively solve problems and make decisions.

How do you develop problem solving skills?

In the Problem Solving and Decision Making workshop, participants gain the knowledge and skills that improve critical thinking and decision-making skills to better solve problems. The techniques and tools introduced in this workshop are appropriate for everyday application and are particularly useful in cases where the level of performance is falling short of expectations and the reasons for the deficiency are unclear. In this workshop, participants are introduced to a process that allows them to methodically think through and diagnose a problem’s root cause and then determine an effective solution.

C.M.O.E. is an invaluable resource for aligning your people with company goals. They offer expert insights, training, and tools. Highly recommended for organizations seeking guidance and solutions tailored to their company. — Rance Summers

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Objectives and Outcomes

In the Problem-Solving & Decision-Making workshop, participants learn how to

  • Identify the “right” problems to solve
  • Avoid speculating and making premature assumptions
  • Look for patterns, changes, and differences to analyze and diagnose problems and discover root causes
  • Effectively describe the problem and develop an accurate problem profile
  • Apply a framework to compare the relative worth of the available options and make appropriate and effective decisions
  • Take action on solutions and decisions as well as analyze results
  • Apply the skills and tools to a real-world problem and decision-making opportunity

Our Approach

The Problem-Solving & Decision-Making workshop engages the learners through self-inquiry, sharing of experiences and best practices, and numerous opportunities to practice and apply the skills learned to relevant case studies—as well as to their own situations at work. Some of the elements we incorporate into the workshop include

  • Case-studies
  • Research based models
  • Skill practice opportunities
  • Tools and quick reference guides
  • Experiential exercises
  • Surveys and assessments

“Whatever failures I have known, whatever errors I have committed, whatever follies I have witnessed in public and private life, have been the consequences of action without thought.”

~ Bernard Baruch

“The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”

~ Albert Einstein

“The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong questions.”

~ Peter Drucker

“Stop looking for solutions to problems and start looking for the right path.”

~ Andy Stanley

by 40 Years of Research

Globally Trusted

Leadership & Development Partner


Customer Satisfaction

Customizable & Targeted

to your Organization’s Needs

Delivery Options

The Problem-Solving and Decision-Making workshop is available as a 1.5-day learning event. If requested, CMOE also offers stand-alone programs.

  • A 1-Day stand-alone Problem-Solving Workshop
  • A Half-Day stand-alone Decision-Making Workshop

These topics may also be integrated as part of the larger leadership development curriculum.

Instructor-led training (delivered onsite by a CMOE subject matter expert/facilitator)

Digital learning program (self-paced or live)

Blended and layered solution (combining instructor-led training and digital learning)

Train the trainer services (certifying internal trainers in CMOE’s world-class programs)

Curriculum integration (deliver the topic in conjunction with another topic or event or build it into a development curriculum)

4-16 hours (8 hours preferred) for instructor-led variable for digital learning

Contact a CMOE Client Services Specialist to discuss a targeted solution that is right for your organization.

Looking for an online approach?

Learn More About Our Personalized eLearning Programs.

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Online Course Library

Do you prefer learning at your own pace? Here are a few curated resources to complement your learning journey and elevate your professional skills.

Problem Solving


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