Research indicates that most managers don’t think they received enough training to prepare them for taking on a supervisory role. High performers are often promoted into management and then left to their own devices, which leads to a lot of frustration because they haven’t yet developed the qualities they need to lead others effectively. With the proper education, tools, and support, new supervisors can learn these essential skills and transition into a position of leadership more successfully.
When supervisors successfully transition from high performers into leaders, everyone benefits. Effective leadership translates into greater team productivity, higher job satisfaction, better morale, increased customer satisfaction, and better profitability for the company. CMOE’s Supervisor Development training programs are designed to help newly promoted employees become influential leaders—and to do so quickly.
While new supervisors have already proven their ability to perform their own work responsibilities well, having to delegate work, monitor progress, and hold others accountable is a completely different experience, and it requires a different skillset. We’ve designed our Supervisor Development curriculum to include the essential skills that lead to a supervisor’s success. In our programs, participants learn how to communicate effectively, resolve conflict, delegate effectively, hold others accountable, build trust, and enhance team relationships.
Supervisors must also be able to inspire and motivate their team members. CMOE provides the tools and skills a new supervisor needs to have effective team meetings, enhance team relationships, empower others, and set meaningful goals that are aligned with those of the organization.
Participants also learn a great deal about themselves. During the Supervisor Development programs, participants gain a greater level of self-awareness about their personal strengths and areas for improvement, becoming more cognizant of the behaviors that enable teamwork and the tendencies underlying their own communication style and approach to conflict. This enables new supervisors to create ongoing development plans to ensure they are successful in their new roles.
Each topic we selected for the Supervisor Development curriculum was based on over three decades of experience working with front-line supervisors and has been carefully designed to address this population’s specific issues and challenges. Supervisors who complete all of the modules in the Supervisor Development series will be well-equipped to manage a staff of direct reports for the first time.
Every course is filled with fundamental ideas, tips, and tools that allow new supervisors to contribute immediately to the organization’s bottom line. For example, after completing the conflict-resolution course, a supervisor is equipped to handle difficult situations that are interfering with team productivity; he or she has the skills to approach the situation and resolve it in a professional manner that benefits the individuals involved and the overall organization.
CMOE understands that supervisors have a lot of daily responsibilities to tackle and are pressed for time. Each course in the Supervisor Development program takes only 90 minutes to complete. CMOE can also customize the agenda to fit the specific needs of your audience and your company’s culture. We have worked with many client organizations to include industry-specific case studies and examples, ensuring that the training we provide is timely and relevant for the specific needs of each group.
CMOE can provide experienced facilitators to deliver the sessions or train your staff to deliver the Supervisor Development modules in-house. The instructor-certification process includes in-depth training on the topics covered in the program, offers valuable insights from a CMOE Master Facilitator, and explores the methodology underlying the principles of adult learning.
Discover how we can help you increase the effectiveness of your new supervisors and your organization, contact CMOE today to learn more about our Supervisor Development programs.