Leadership Core Values & Beliefs are Keys to Greatness
Great leaders must have specific beliefs and core values they adhere too, for example:
- Leadership – People want to be led, not managed. Instead, leaders must manage their actions and possess the ability to lead by example.
- Vision – People want to know how and why their efforts matter. A leader must actively provide this vision to his/her people to maintain purpose in their work.
- Pride – People want the leader to feel that they count for something. A leader should give appropriate praise often. Using a good positive measurement system will also help individuals know how they are contributing.
- Congruence – People feel secure when they see the leader doing the right things. Once again, a leader must lead by example, walk the walk. Talking alone won’t’ help.
- Trust – People need to trust their leadership if they are to remain dedicated to the organization. Leaders must be fair, consistent with all employees.
- Character – People ultimately find out what kind of person their leader is and will be influenced to behave in the same manner. Leaders must consistently demonstrate good work ethics.
- Integrity – People need to trust and respect their leaders. A leader must be accountable for his/her decisions and actions within every responsibility.
- Responsibility – People feel gratified when commitments to them are kept. Leaders, who keep commitments, will have employees, who are accountable for their commitments.
- Wisdom – People learn most from their leaders by example and coaching. Leaders need to temper their knowledge with good judgment and concern for others.
- Communication – People perform better when they understand the issues. A leader who is open and listens to concerns and ideas will gain more support from his/her employees. This communication can be verbal, non-verbal and even a simple visual measurement system. Do you have a positive measurement system in place?
Bottom line, the role of leadership is to add value to other people and the true measure of leadership is influence, thus a great leader must have the ability to change the attitude or behavior of others.
Flexible Leadership Values
Flexible Leadership is a very positive way in which to help change attitudes or behaviors of others. Based on CMOE’s Flexible Leadership model there are six key styles a leader should implement based upon various situations that arise with different individuals and levels of development:
- Control – and oversee the progress of a project or assignment when necessary. Provide specific instructions and closely supervise specific situations
- Teach – and demonstrate to your team the desire and capacity that you have to share information or knowledge in the workplace.
- Guide – and mediate. This is ideal for when there is some disagreement about the ultimate target or intent of the action
- Collaborate – when there is agreement about the desired outcome and when the leader’s experience and knowledge base is relatively strong.
- Reinforce – most beneficial when the team needs positive reinforcement for their success. Key point – frequent reinforcement of positive behaviors and achievements will result in greater, long-term success.
Flexible leadership is not something you do to people, but something you do with people. Following personal leadership beliefs, core values, and implementation of Flexible Leadership helps leaders to become great. Great leaders are great teachers. Reach out to CMOE to find out more about our leadership development workshops and start improving your skills today.