Team collaboration around a table

“When you are asked if you can do a job, tell ’em, ‘Certainly I can!’ Then get busy and find out how to do it.” – Theodore Roosevelt

If you’re the head of a department, no matter your title, it can be challenging to get your job done when it involves coordinating and collaborating with other departments. You’ve already figured out what you want to accomplish but getting the buy-in and cooperation of others can be difficult.
But there are some actions you can take that will significantly improve your collaborative efforts across departments and in your organization as a whole. This includes building your relationships, learning across positions, and implementing standard processes.

Let’s get started!

Build Relationships with Other Departments

In order to work with other departments, you need an amicable relationship with them. If that relationship is strained, it will need improving before moving forward. Building relationships in the workplace is a key skill in any job. Soft skills such as honesty and candor are a good starting point. If you’re struggling with building those skills, check out CMOE’s digital Courageous Conversations™ or Communication Skills classes. Understanding others’ backgrounds softens feelings and opens people to conversations. If possible, talk with others in different departments regularly. Whether they are short or long, these conversations build an environment where people trust you have their interests in mind.

Learn About the Needs and Goals of Other Departments

Along with building a relationship, you need to have basic knowledge about the departments that overlap your own. The more you know about other departments, the better you’ll be able to identify processes that need improvement or a total rework. This will take time on your part because it can require spending time in that department, cross training, reading about it, or talking with people in that department. Ask questions. Don’t let others make you feel like there is a question that shouldn’t be asked. This is a good opportunity to set a positive example for others who may be shy about asking questions, and it will help you learn how you can best support the other department.

Implement Standard Processes

Posting sticky notes while collaborating with the team.

Now it’s time to implement your idea. Everyone involved in the change needs to know what’s going on. Otherwise, your hard work will be for nothing. Some people may not like your idea, but if you’ve had those courageous conversations, you can ask them to wait and see the value in the outcome. Your idea may seem small or inconsequential to other departments. Again, take courage in knowing that this is going to be beneficial for you, and their support will benefit the enterprise as a whole.

Being a leader is hard work, but if you’re willing to put forth the effort, the reward is great. Even if your idea for process improvement does work, you will have better relationships and may have given others the courage to share their ideas to help improve the workplace. You will also have more knowledge that makes you a better team player. Best of all, you will have better relationships all around. Continue to learn and grow, and those new or improved processes will make going to work a little more enjoyable because of your contribution to the one team.


Author Bio: Di Snarr

Di Head Shot

Di joined the CMOE team in 2016 and supports the business as a Shipping and Production Specialist. Di plays a critical role in the production, assembly, and shipment of all products and materials for client workshops and events. She devotes her time and talents to ensuring the accuracy and professional quality of every order she fulfills for our clients. Di is also a very versatile team player, and offers support in various other aspects of the business.


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About the Author
CMOE’s Design Team is comprised of individuals with diverse and complementary strengths, talents, education, and experience who have come together to bring a unique service to CMOE’s clients. Our team has a rich depth of knowledge, holding advanced degrees in areas such as business management, psychology, communication, human resource management, organizational development, and sociology.

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