Do you ever wonder if coaching really works or if it is really worth your time?
Most HR managers and leadership development professionals would answer “Yes;” coaching protects and builds the emotional investment that team members have in the organization.
An employee’s relationship with their team and the organization often hinges upon the rapport built with their manager.
So it is vital for managers to keep employees engaged because commitment creates opportunities for growth, improves performance and increases their sense of responsibility and accountability.
In other words, it drives bottom line results.
But how can we identify those managers who may need some help with their coaching skills and those managers who are just downright untrained in coaching?
The Coaching Effectiveness Evaluator™ developed by Steven Stowell, Ph.D. and the CMOE development team is an insightful tool that managers, HR teams, and learning and development leaders can use to help gauge someone’s coaching abilities.
It looks at ten different coaching skills that collectively characterize a good coach. This simple, yet practical assessment includes a series of questions that highlight areas of strength and weakness within a manager’s coaching style and interprets the coaching ability of that manager based on the answers provided.
With a picture of your manager’s coaching skills and abilities in hand, your company can identify opportunities for improvement, target manager development, foster needed coaching skills, and improve growth throughout the organization.