manager and leader in discussion at work

Even the most exceptional team members encounter challenges or plateaus in their performance from time to time. Recognizing this, it’s essential to approach such instances as opportunities for growth rather than setbacks or obstacles.

Performance improvement discussions, when conducted thoughtfully, can foster trust, growth and development.

Effective leadership necessitates the ability to conduct meaningful performance discussions. Leaders can accelerate growth by combining preparation, empathy, and constructive feedback. Explore strategies to facilitate a highly effective interaction for achieving this.

How Leaders Can Prepare for a Performance Improvement Discussion

There are five strategies leaders can adopt to prepare for a productive performance improvement discussion.

1. Review Performance Data

Gather accurate data regarding the team member’s performance, including key metrics and specific examples of their work and behaviors. Laying the foundation with data helps leaders promote honest conversations that will result in performance improvement and employee engagement.

2. Create an Agenda

Outline the discussion’s purpose, key points to cover, and desired outcomes. Abiding by this structure provides clarity and focus.

Sharing the agenda with your team members eliminates the guesswork, allowing the individual to come in prepared with data, the right focus and mindset. The last thing you want to do is surprise a team member when it comes to giving effective feedback.

3. Determine the Desired Outcomes

Clearly define the goals of the conversation. Are you seeking to improve performance, address behavioral issues, or create a development plan? Reflect on what success looks like.

4. Develop a Support Plan

Outline potential solutions or resources to assist the team member in improving their performance. Lean on their strengths, support their development needs, and leverage their career aspirations to develop a plan of action. This demonstrates an authentic commitment to their success and incorporates their ideas.

5. Approach the Discussion with Empathy and Respect

It is imperative to establish a supportive and open environment conducive to candid dialogue. The focus should be on providing constructive feedback and offering guidance for growth rather than instilling fear or apprehension.
By emphasizing the developmental nature of the conversation, leaders can alleviate team member anxiety and nurture a culture of continuous improvement.

manager and leader in discussion at work

Maintaining Momentum During Performance Discussions

As you begin performance discussions, steer the conversations in the right direction by following six key steps.

1. Open the Discussion

A supportive tone at the beginning sets the stage for the entire discussion. Begin the discussion by:

  • Acknowledging strengths: Begin by recognizing the staff member’s contributions and achievements. This sets a positive tone for the conversation.
  • Clearly defining the purpose: Explicitly state the reason for the meeting, emphasizing its focus on improvement and growth.
  • Establish a collaborative atmosphere: Convey a genuine desire to work together to discover ideas and support the team member’s development.

2. Discuss Performance Issues

Managing performance issues requires a strategic and empathetic approach. Leaders can foster open dialogue and drive improvement by focusing on specific behaviors and their impact.

We encourage you to:

  • Provide specific examples: Utilize concrete data and observations to illustrate performance gaps. Doing so not only helps you lean on objectivity but also shows direct ways the team member can improve and make adjustments.
  • Focus on impact: Explain how the performance issues impact the team and the organization. Connecting their actions to the bigger picture will help them understand their role better and feel more motivated to improve.
  • Encourage two-way communication: Create an open dialogue by inviting the team member to share their perspective on the issues raised. Facilitating a two-way conversation creates space for transparency, and meaningful interaction.

3. Establish Improvement Goals

Clear goals with supporting action steps help leaders track measurable progress. The key is to help guide team members to pursue the right actions. Work together to:

  • Invite ideas for improvement: Work with your team member to identify actionable steps for improvement. By empowering them to set the action steps and direction with leader guidance, it shifts ownership of the needed behavior change to the team member. It also demonstrates trust and respect, thereby enhancing engagement and morale.
  • Build out the goal statement: Define specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.

4. Offer Support and Resources

Providing comprehensive guidance empowers individuals to achieve their full potential. To do this:

  • Offer assistance: Clearly communicate the organization’s commitment to the team member’s growth by providing tangible support. Offering direction and setting parameters will position the individual for success.
  • Assign a mentor or coach: If applicable, consider assigning a business focused mentor or coach to provide additional guidance and support.
  • Create a development plan: Outline the steps involved in the individual’s development journey, including milestones and checkpoints. This will set up accountability.

5. Close the Discussion

By effectively concluding performance discussions, leaders can lay the groundwork for ongoing growth and development. This entails:

Summarizing key points: Ask the team member to recap the main points discussed, including the agreed-upon goals and action steps.
Reiterating support: Assure the staff member of ongoing support.
Scheduling follow-up meetings: Establish a timeline for reviewing progress and making necessary adjustments. Set meeting dates and times as soon as possible to establish goal accountability.

6. Monitor Progress

Like any new process, adjustments will be needed to refine the individual’s performance improvement plan. The important thing is to work with your team member to make needed changes.

This requires:

  • Regular check-ins: Implement a system for regular check-ins to track the team member’s progress toward their goals.
  • Data analysis: Utilize performance metrics to measure improvement, reinforce progress, and identify areas for further support.
  • Adjust as needed: Be prepared to modify the development plan based on the individual’s progress and changing circumstances.

Add Value to Your Feedback Discussions with CMOE

By following these steps and fostering a supportive environment, leaders can create a positive and productive and meaningful exchange that leads to tangible results.

To enhance your leadership skills and master the art of performance improvement, consider exploring CMOE’s comprehensive feedback and coaching improvement programs. Our training modules are designed to equip you with the tools, knowledge, and how-to skills necessary to excel in leading meaningful performance conversations.

Recommended For You:

Leadership Development Workshops

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About the Author
CMOE’s Design Team is comprised of individuals with diverse and complementary strengths, talents, education, and experience who have come together to bring a unique service to CMOE’s clients. Our team has a rich depth of knowledge, holding advanced degrees in areas such as business management, psychology, communication, human resource management, organizational development, and sociology.

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