There are many types of work groups and teams in organizations. Few, however, function at peak levels and unfortunately, not all work groups exhibit teamwork. By contrast, teams whose members are truly engaged, committed to a clear purpose, and have a deep sense of responsibility are an unbeatable force.

CMOE understands that effective teamwork and group development can be challenging to achieve and has developed a comprehensive portfolio of Teamwork and Team Development solutions. These team coaching programs and tools are designed to assist teams and leaders in overcoming common team challenges and unlock formulas for success. Topics and areas of focus include improving communication, tapping into creativity, maximizing resources, overcoming resistance, dealing with change in a positive way, and increasing alignment. The team development services described below are designed to assist intact teams, cross-functional teams, or mixed groups of individuals seeking to be a high-performance team.

Customized Team Development Services

CMOE utilizes a customized and data-driven approach to our team development services. We understand each organization is unique and a successful team development experience needs to reflect your organization’s goals.
CMOE will work with you to understand the team’s strengths and opportunities for improvement and find proven ways to ignite a new levels of team performance. We offer a variety of approaches to team development and retreats so leaders and team members reach their full potential.

Are you interested in a free team evaluation? Get in touch with us today to get started.

Corporate Outdoor Training and Team Building

Introduction Building a highly productive and unified team requires a willing team and a clear plan that defines how the team will break out of its comfort zone, reflect and leverage its strengths, and work through opportunities for improvement. CMOE’s outdoor team building and team development experiences enable teams to work through practical issues and critical challenges in order to achieve greater productivity, ...

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High-Performance Teamwork

Most organizations get results and accomplish important tasks, projects, and strategies using teams and work groups. However, many teams do not function at peak performance levels, even though they have the potential to do so. We understand that effective teamwork can be challenging to attain and maintain. CMOE’s High-Performance Teamwork workshop gives teams or team leaders the skills and tools they need to address...

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Leadership Team Alignment Workshop

The Leadership Alignment Workshop is a process that guides intact leadership or management teams through a transformation designed to leverage capabilities or overcome specific challenges and create dynamic business results. Through each phase of this proven approach, CMOE helps a leadership team identify and solve business issues, examine and improve team dynamics, and support the development of individual leaders. ...

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Leading Groups to Solutions: Facilitation Skills for Team Leaders

Leaders and team members are regularly called on to lead groups to solutions, direct the efforts of others, or harness the collective energy of the teams they lead. Facilitating groups effectively requires insight and the development of a unique set of skills—but despite the importance of these abilities, many managers and team leaders may not have had the opportunity to develop them in a formalized way. CMOE’s...

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Orienteering: A Team-Building and Development Simulation

Orienteering is an engaging and powerful team-building and team simulation designed to create an immediate impact on how teams work together by assessing their strengths and areas of vulnerability using a creative, experiential learning approach. This hands-on business simulation takes teams (intact, cross-functional, special-project teams, and others) into the outdoors and replicates the common challenges that teams face...

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Retreats for Teams

Exceptional teamwork is the keystone in building an organization’s short- and long-term success, but establishing cohesive teams can be challenging due to the complex issues they face: day-to-day demands, differences in personalities, lack of alignment, communication issues, team-member motivation, etc. To counterbalance these common challenges, teams must have the opportunity to continually develop their capabiliti...

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Teamwork FAQ

Team-leader training refers to learning and development experiences that are designed to enhance the effectiveness of individuals who lead others. Team leadership has less to do with leading through formal authority and more to do with establishing clear direction, expectations, and accountability for accomplishing the work of the team.

Team leaders can be formal or informal but are always instrumental in organizing the work and members of the team in a way that will allow the team to successfully accomplish its goals. Effective team leadership is built on a combination of task-oriented processes and people-oriented processes; both must be in place for the team to be successful.

Building a high-performance team takes time, effort, and skill. Team leaders must create the conditions for the team to be successful by helping team members establish working agreements, develop their individual and collective abilities, see the value of diverse backgrounds and skills, find ways for each person to contribute the best of themselves, and fulfill the team’s mission and purpose.

Teams are built on a foundation of trust. Individual team members must trust that their peers will be respectful, keep their promises, do what they say they will do, and ask for help when it’s needed. Team leaders must trust that they have surrounded themselves with the best people to do the job and given their team members the resources, guidance, support, and parameters they need to be successful—and if they haven’t, they need to be open to hearing that feedback from the team.

Team leaders can’t know or do everything; they must rely on their team members for their unique experience and subject-matter expertise and support each person’s growth so that they can continue to contribute to the team’s objectives and deliver expected results.

As organizations evolve, the ability to work as a team becomes ever more important. Most of the work done by organizations today is accomplished as a team; there are few instances where people work entirely by themselves. Even in situations where the work itself is completed by an individual alone, the end product is typically scoped with and delivered to a customer of some kind, meaning that teamwork skills are still relevant. A few of the teamwork skills that are essential to the workplace are emotional intelligence, communication, collaboration, coaching, delegation, conflict resolution, and change management.

Collaboration and teamwork are related but not the same. Collaboration begins with a discussion or series of discussions related to something that a group of people need to accomplish together. Collaboration is something that should be occurring in a team but isn’t exclusively for teams. It is a tool that can be used anytime people need to work together. Collaboration can be extremely helpful when parties have competing priorities or areas of focus, such as when different business functions are required to work together to achieve a larger organizational goal. Collaboration usually involves establishing an understanding of the needs and goals of both parties and then working together to ensure that all of those needs are met. As the project goes forward, all parties move in tandem towards a collective goal and work together very closely throughout the process. Teamwork usually involves some level of collaboration, especially during the planning stages of a group project, but once the parameters of an assignment have been established, individual team members are left to complete the parts of the project or series of tasks for which they are directly responsible on their own. The individual work is then brought together to create the collective result.

There are many benefits of teamwork in the workplace. The greatest value of teamwork is the diversity of perspectives, skills, and experiences that individual team members bring to the team. Getting trapped in a particular paradigm or way of thinking is very easy, especially for people who have deep knowledge of a subject or many years of experience in a given field. The alternative perspectives and opinions that members of a team offer to the conversation can spark greater creativity, new solutions, different modes of thinking, and innovative ideas. Teams that can capitalize on these benefits and successfully execute on the plans they create together will reach higher performance and achieve better results for their organizations.

In 1965, psychologist Bruce Tuckman developed a model of the stages of team development that is still widely cited. Tuckman’s four-step model included the following stages: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. In 1977, Tuckman added a fifth stage, Adjourning, to the original four. Most teams, regardless of the purpose for which they have been brought together, experience some version of Tuckman’s stages.

The earliest stage of team development, “Forming,” can be thought of as the “orientation” phase. During this phase, team members are trying to get their bearings and tend to be deferential, overly polite, and full of enthusiasm for the future. Team members are likely to begin discussing the team’s goals, ground rules, and individual roles on the team during this phase and will require firm direction from the leader because team roles and group dynamics have not yet surfaced.

“Storming” happens when team members begin to grate on one another’s nerves. They may experience a clash in working styles or expectations which can result in conflict, something that can be of great benefit to the team as long as it is openly dealt with and navigated through rather than avoided.

“Norming” happens when team members move past their previous challenges and begin to recognize other team members’ value and strengths, even if they differ significantly from their own (and sometimes because of it). People feel more comfortable challenging one another and providing constructive feedback during this stage because there is an increased level of trust and a sense of reliance upon one another for the team’s success.

The “Performing” stage is where team performance reaches its peak because all team members are using their individual skills to move in concert with their peers towards the same goal.

The “Adjourning” phase of team development is most prevalent on special-project teams where the team is disbanded once the project is complete.

Some teams never move beyond a certain stage. For example, if the team leader cannot find a way to help his or her team through the “Storming” phase, the team will become embroiled in petty conflicts and will never reach its full potential. Likewise, some teams may perform well enough as a collective but never truly experience the flawless symbiosis that exists on a true high-performance team. Backsliding into previous stages is also very common and isn’t always indicative of a problem; sometimes a high-performance team will return to the Forming or Norming stages when one or more team members are added to an existing team or the team is required to deliver its end products or services in new ways or to new customers who have different expectations.

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